A space for mama and her babe to come together and nourish both your needs. A place where you can both grow and….. well…. Flourish.

Part mother’s group (but with deeper self-discovery stuff – in bitesize chunks), part playgroup; designed so that you leave each week, glad you attended!

Over the course of a month, we will create a simple yet valuable keepsake/resource for you to continue to use with your babe as they grow over the coming years. With a mix of play, sensory, and early learning activities for the babes FLOURISH sessions will align to the We Are Nature Network Curriculum.



Hi, I'm Amanda, Mama to three little ones and bonus Mama to two teenagers. A homebirther, a T21 Advocate/Mama, Former Hypnobirthing practitioner, Positive Birth experience Advocate, and Life & Mindset Coach, while also being a self-confessed recovering perfectionist. I am a homeschooler and advocate for the We Are Nature Network Curriculum as I believe in the power of play (sensory play junkie right here!). I have been a We are Nature Network family for nearly 2 years and whole heartly believe in it’s philosophy; so much so I joined the team Facilitating Kula Kids and launching FLOURISH.


Running as a closed group (due to the way we build on each week), registration is for the term and there are currently two offers available. Numbers are intentionally capped to protect the intimate nature of the sessions so if you're looking to join, don't delay.

Locations, days & times

Tuesday 10:30am in Edgewater - $31p/w

Friday 12:30pm in Gwelup - $40/w (includes on-site child minding for older children)

Find out more

For more information, or just to chat – reach out to Amanda directly either @the.realmamalife or [email protected]

Ready to start?

Enrol here

Banner- Odile Chaperon
All other photographs- Abbi Davenport